The Last of the Greats

Life, unscripted. Last Monday morning, I awoke from my slumber after having had a restless sleep. As is often the case, I couldn’t really remember what I had dreamt about. Whatever it was, the entire day, I felt a deep and visceral feeling of self-loathing. I couldn’t remember a time where I’d so hated myself. However, as they say, this too shall pass. By Tuesday, things had started to settle itself, but on Wednesday, it was clear why I’d felt unrest on Monday.

There are people in your life that have always been there. Regardless of any kicking or moaning, my mother has always instilled in us the love of family. Like her mother before her, mom made sure that we knew our kin. Whether it was this aunt or this cousin, mom wants us to never lose our family ties. We are not like most, we spend a lot of time together, and we talk on the phone or contribute to our group WhatsApp thread frequently. We are so close that I live within 20 minutes of my parents and 10 minutes of my brother and his wife. And so, Wednesday seemed like it would be like any other day of the week, starting with my mom sending out her daily inspirational messages. I was wrong. Continue reading “The Last of the Greats”

Closing Time

Yesterday. Wow, yesterday. While it didn’t go the way I wanted it to, it went the way it needed to. Sure, it was a decade in the making, and sure, it flipped on its head my belief in love, but I’m in a better place for it. After a series of texts and one phone call, I know that I’m finally going to be okay.

I’m in love, hopelessly so. While this is no new revelation, what is new is that I can now say that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. It’s been a decade’s long journey, a marathon. I have loved this person despite everything, despite all the reasons why he didn’t deserve my affection. And while I was previously very bitter and pained around it, I think it’s all starting to make sense in my thought-filled head. I was and will always be just an option for him. I am not, have ever been or ever will be a necessity for him. Continue reading “Closing Time”

Letting Go & Moving On

So much can happen in a weekend. This weekend was no different. From the nostalgia of attending my nephew’s high school football game to being gifted artwork created by my uncle (see featured photo) to the death of a family member, time waits for no one. What all these events did was provide me with the time and opportunity to reflect on the person that I am and the love of family.

No matter the cost, be yourself. I’m guilty of spending too much time in my head, analyzing and over-analyzing my own thoughts and actions. I don’t need anyone but myself to provide criticisms. I reached a point of acceptance for the person that I was and who I am. No more making excuses or ridiculing myself on being me. I’m not perfect, but there’s only one me, and I kinda like her! Continue reading “Letting Go & Moving On”